Finding what Mends
In module 2 of the family constellation ViRTUAL training you’ll learn how to apply the knowledge of the Orders of Love and to turn it into experience and lived truth.
Module 2 is teaching you the 3 fundamental dynamics in family systems and the power of words. It is designed for everyone who wants to explore more in depth how the knowledge of the Orders of Love are applied in a Family Constellation, which movements hinting at what dynamic in the family system and what to do to get stuck energy moving. Bert Hellinger once said he has condensed down the psychotherapy to the use of only 3 statements: Yes, Please, Thank you. There is a lot to discover in the power of these words and all their facets and variations in different situations in real life and in a Family Constellation.
Here you begin to learn what it takes to facilitate a Family Constellation.
Module 2 of the training consists of 3 parts:

Part 1:
The healing power of YES
Part 2:
The importance of PLEASE
Part 3:
Two strong words – THANK YOU
Access Module 2 of the family constellation ViRTUAL training by booking the complete training !
In the essence only 3 words are needed to shift a family dynamic: please, thank-you, yes. The art of facilitating a Family Constellation is to apply the right word in the right moment and in the right order.