Going with the Spirit
Bert Hellinger has titled his latest work as “going with the spirit-mind”. He discovered after 20 years of developing this modality in workshops with hundreds of participants that it is the spirit-mind (higher consciousness) that is guiding the movements of the representatives in a Family Constellation.
Consciousness or spirit-mind, a form of pure energy, is at the base of everything, brings all things into matter and therefore is also the source for healing on a deep level. Finding solutions here is to help on the physical and emotional realm as well and therefore can bring relief from suffering on all levels of existence.
In Module 4 of the family constellation ViRTUAL training we’re diving deep into the spiritual worlds and unseen forces and discover how to access past lives, childhood trauma, unreleased birth energies and interrupted movements towards the mother following the work and teachings of Bert Hellinger and Malcolm Southwood.
Module 4 of the training consists of 3 parts:.

Part 1:
Spiritual and emotional healing: energy, vibrations
and the spiritual worlds. Dealing with foreign energies.
Part 2:
Trauma relief, use of unreleased birth energies; interrupted movement towards the mother.
Part 3:
Regressions and past lives.
You don’t need to have any previous knowledge about alternative methods of energy and spiritual healing to book and benefit from this module.
Get access to Module 4 of the family constellation ViRTUAL training by booking the complete training now!
I love how Maia incorporated other healing modalities and made the connection between spirituality and family constellations. It is all connected! This training was Godsend and I am beyond grateful!

Rev. NamShakti
Yoga teacher, Spiritual Healer