General Questions
What is Family Constellation?
Family Constellation is a modality of releasing repetitive pattern, emotional and spiritual burdens and other causes of suffering which are experienced in your life but are caused not in your own life circumstances, but passed down through generations from your ancestors. Through epigenetic inheritance emotions and traumas are shared from one generation to another, often being undetected for a long time, until one of the descendant’s desire for more freedom and happiness is great enough to look for help. For more information please go here.
Where does Family Constellation come from?
Family Constellation is developed by Bert Hellinger in Germany in the 1980’s out of his psychotherapy practice. He has discovered that, when using family sculpting as a means of accessing subconscious pattern in families, the representatives are actually feeling something which is obviously not their own emotion, or are urged to make a certain movement, or say a specific word. In countless constellations he has observed what he called ‘moving with the souls’ and what is now called ‘moving with the spirit-mind’ or the ‘New Family Constellation’ as a highly effective modality to unveil and heal past generational traumas which is the soul cause of a descendants current suffering.
What is MFRH ?
MFRH is the abbreviation for Morphogenetic Field Resonance Healing.
Every system is organised by fields, which contain information of the organisation, also called memories. Dr. Rupert Sheldrake has done groundbreaking scientific research in proving that these fields are resonating with the members of a system in a way that it stores, preserves and reveals these information. Families are such a system which form a morphogenetic field in which the memories of the family members are stored for at least 7 generations, this is memories of traumatic events. These information are then given to the participants in a family constellation if approved by the family soul.
Family Constellation ViRTUAL Workshops
What happens in a Family Constellation?
One out of the group comes forward with an issue and talks about it to the facilitator, who then asks them to choose representatives out of the group for certain family members, events, diseases and so forth. The chosen participants are then asked to relax and allow what’s coming up, which can be an emotion, a movement, a word. The experienced facilitator can see where the imbalance is coming from and guides the constellation toward a solution, that brings relief to everyone involved. Every participant is part of the group experience, either as the conductor, a representative or an observer, and is connected with each other through resonating with the Morphogenetic Field of the family. Therefore, every participant is a vital part of the workshop, regardless of their role, and receives the same benefits out of the workshop.
How does a virtual Family Constellation work?
Family constellations can either take place in a workshop from about 5 to 500 participants or as a one-on-one session. To gather in groups in a retreat setting is a wonderful experience for everybody, however participation involves often a big commitment regarding time and money spent, not only for the workshop but for travelling, accommodation and food as well. Sometimes one has to take leave from work in order to attend. It has been shown in times when travelling was very restricted and finally came to a completely stop during the Covid-19 pandemic 2020, that family constellation can be as powerful in a virtual environment, if not stronger, than in a retreat setting. Meetings on Zoom don’t require big commitments in regards of time and money and can be done from everywhere in the world. The Morphogenetic Field exists everywhere and at any time, also in a virtual space. The resonance in the participants has proven to be extremely strong when they stay in the comfort and privacy of their own home. A hands-on experience of a virtual family constellation can be watched on the workshop page and youtube channel and read about in the testimonials.
Who can benefit from a virtual Family Constellations?
Everyone from all walks of life can benefit from a family constellation VIRTUAL workshop from the age of 18+. Family Constellation VIRTUAL workshops are not suitable for persons who are suffering from a mental impairment.
How often can I do a virtual Family Constellation?
You can participate in a family constellation VIRTUAL workshop as often as you like.
Do I need my genogram or family tree to participate in a family constellation VIRTUAL workshop?
In the early days of Family Constellations, you were asked to inquire into your family tree and gather information about your ancestors before you joined a workshop. This is not required anymore when working with the New Family Constellation. Therefore, it is not a prerequisite to participate in a family constellation ViRTUAL event.
Do I need to reveal personal information in a family constellation VIRTUAL workshop?
No, you do not need to reveal personal information if you’re not comfortable with it, since you don’t need to conduct your own constellation to be part of the workshop. However, if you want to take a look at a specific issue in your life and constellate your own family system you might want to talk about it. Sometimes, it is not even necessary to talk if you want to look at a specific aspect of your life because the information needed to conduct the constellation can be revealed to the experienced facilitator without words: they are also part of the Morphogenetic Field and resonate with it.
Do I need to tell my family about the constellation?
No. Despite the name family constellation the work has not necessarily to do with your family as such. There is no need to bring a family member along nor to talk to anyone about it, neither before nor after a constellation.
Can I look at other systems, i.e. my company or workplace?
Yes. Family constellation VIRTUAL provides an excellent platform to look at a dynamic in the workplace, an enterprise or a hobby. It is also fantastic for helping with decisions, i.e., whether to move to another place. Family Constellation has helped even to clear negative energies from a house that one has newly moved into.
What is a representative doing in a family constellation?
A representative, sometimes also called the resonator, is a member of the group that is chosen either by the conductor, the facilitator or by themselves to stand in the constellation as one family member. No further experience or training is necessary to be in the role of a representative.
Can I do a virtual family constellation for someone else?
No. Normally, a constellation only works within your own field, and you’ll get incoherent results if you try to do it for someone else. The only exemption is for children: parents are allowed to constellate for their own dependent children.
What is the Etiquette for the family constellation ViRTUAL workshop?
Meeting in a virtual room from home is different in many ways.
These rules applied will make it a pleasant experience for all participants:
1. Choose a room with a good light source that is facing you, i.e. a window (daylight) or a desktop lamp or a selfie light (nighttime). The room should be free of distractions and noise.
2. Abstain from smoking, drinking and eating during the workshop (only water is allowed). Moving out of sight of the camera, fetching things or yelling at the dog would disrupt the workshop.
3. Participation is not allowed when intoxicated by alcohol or drugs.
4. Place the device you’re using for Zoom on a raised platform in front of you, the camera is at the height of your hairline. Your face shall cover most of the screen (think of a portrait photo for a passport)
5. Close any curtains behind you and turn off light sources behind you.
6. Have a water bottle, tissues and a large pillow or fluffy toy next to you.
7. Refrain from using inappropriate language or actions.
8. A breach of the etiquette can result in immediate exclusion from the workshop.
Are the online sessions being recorded?
No. We do not record the sessions unless this has been agreed upon with all participants. The youtube videos that are linked on the homepage have been specially produced for educational purposes with the permission of the participants to be published. However, screenshots and short sequences from a workshop might be used for promoting family constellation ViRTUAL events in accordance with par. B4 of the terms & conditions.
What are the terms & conditions for a family constellation VIRTUAL event?
When you book an event, you have to agree to the terms & conditions. You can find the T&C’s here.
How can I book a workshop?
Pressing the blue button with the price displayed on the website will open up more information about the event; click continue and then fill in your details and choose a payment option. The price shown is in US Dollars and will be converted in your preset currency upon booking. All payment options are safe and use end-to-end encrypted payment portals, either Paypal or Stripe.
Do I have to convert the date and time shown for a workshop to my timezone?
No, the time and date shown for the event are already converted to your timezone unless you use another country’s VPN.
family constellation VIRTUAL Training
Where can I book a training?
The FCV online trainings are entirely online and self-pased and can be joined any time from everywhere. You can book all courses at the FCV ACADEMY here.
Can I get funding for a course or the complete training?
We offer funding only for the complete training to eligible students with financial needs through the BERT HELLINGER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND. For details, please follow the link.