The Bert Hellinger Memorial Scholarship Fund for individuals in financial need has been established in 2021 by family constellation ViRTUAL benefactors.

The fund helps individuals who stand out with their engagement in community service or any kind of compassionate care for other beings and who are in financial need to become a certified family constellation facilitator, systemic coach and trauma release practicioner by taking part in the family constellation ViRTUAL ACADEMY complete training. The fund will contribute towards the fee for the complete training according to demonstrated need and to the terms and conditions set out here.
Who can apply?
Everyone from 18 to 88 years can apply from everywhere. The ideal applicant is:
1. an accomplished school or uni graduate, a trainee, a professional, a craftsman/woman or someone who has achieved any kind of certification that shows the applicant is capable of completing an educational path.
2. experienced in family constellation in the method of Bert Hellinger through participating in family constellation workshops.
3. passionate about personal growth and helping others through family constellation work.
4. engaged in social and/or voluntary work to uplift the life of other beings (humans, animals, plants, the environment…).
5. in need of financial support.
What does the fund cover?
The fund pays up to 50% of the total training fee, depending on the application and the applicant’s financial situation. The balance must be provided by the applicant and is payable before the start of the training.
TIP: The smaller the amount applied for, the more likeliness for the success of the application.
When can one apply?
Any time.
What should the application entail?
In the application evidence has to be given to proof points 1. – 5. as set out above plus 3 written references of individuals who know the applicant well and have guided them during an educational or professional path, i.e. parents, teachers, caregivers, employers, customers or clients.
Please download the template and use it for your application:
What are the terms & conditions?
1. After approval of the application, the balance has to be paid in full within 2 weeks of receiving the approval email. Failure to do so will immediately result in an exclusion from the program and open up the space for someone on the waiting list.
2. The applicant has to complete the training within 18 months of the start of the training.
3. The rejected applicant can apply again (up to 3 times in total). The whole application process has to be followed again including a complete application and new references.
4. The applicant has to provide all necessary technical resources to take part in the meetings on Zoom (see here Etiquette).