Essential Healing
Family Constellations, as part of any kind of coaching and counselling, are a most powerful method for revealing hidden agendas and clearing trapped emotions in a client when working one-on-one.
Adding tools like Floor Anchors or Figurines helps to open the field for a Family Constellation and support a shift.
Working with figurines or other object as representatives in a one-on-one Family Constellation is as powerful as placing people in a workshop to resonate with family members of the System that is being constellated.
Module 5 of the training consists of 2 parts:
Part 1:
Here you’ll learn how to design and set up a one-on-one session to facilitate family constellations and how to incorporate the use of figurines and other items in the consultation.
Part 2:
In part 2 you’ll experience what an internal constellation is and how to use Essential Oils, guided meditation and other tools to enhance the process.
Get access to Module 5 of the family constellation ViRTUAL training by booking the complete training now!
Emotions are very close to the olfactory sences. We smell a certain scent and it brings us right back into a strong emotional charged memory. Essential oils can uncover emotions and release them in an instant, therefore opening up the field for the systemic and energetic coaching.