When you’re going to a Family Constellation Workshop chances are that you’ll meet one or more of your ancestors. That is, not in person, but their energy fields, represented by other workshop participants. The ancestor is there to either support you to clear an old family pattern that causes suffering in the family system or he/she is still stuck in a trauma and asks you to help to clear the path in order to return home where his/her soul belongs, free of the burden of the past event.
The family dynamic is hidden and only revealed when both family members are ready to look at what has caused it with love.
But who is it that you’re looking at in this situation? And why have you been chosen for this task? The answer to these questions can be found in the ‘Orders of Love’ or ‘Loves hidden symmetries’ as developed by Bert Hellinger: there is a special bond between you and your ancestor, also called a family dynamic, which ties you two together with an unseen thread made out of the emotion of compassion.
When we talk about ancestors in family constellations we’re looking at the 4th to 7th generation, which includes the great grandfathers and 3 more generations of parents before them.
If you make the math you’ll find out that there are a lot of people – or soul energies for that matter – who are creating the field of ancestors: 240 in total. And chances are that most of them have encountered in their lives several tragedies and traumas which are stored in the family soul as unsolved energies. These energies are causing in specific circumstances a blockage in the lives of some descendents, and one of them could be you!
So when an ancestor appears in a family constellation represented by a workshop participant we first have to find out if he/she is there for support or entangled with another person. But how? The experienced and well educated facilitator will find hints in the body language of the representative: if the ancestor is looking at the client’s representative with love and eager to bless him/her, he is there for support. Where is the right place for him in this case? Behind the client.
If the ancestor’s representative shows signs of discomfort, stress or asks the client for help, he has an unresolved trauma and the time and place is now to clear it with a family constellation which will lead to the dynamic that has caused an entanglement between the family members and disrupted the ‘Orders of Love’. Now this traumatic event can be seen and healed and the ancestor’s representative will show signs of relief and gratitude towards the client. He can finally go happy and free to his soul family. The client will also show great signs of relief, because he/she has fulfilled the task mandated by the family soul and is now free of the encumbrance that has caused him/her to seek for help and to do a family constellation in the first place.
In remembrance of the ancestors