If you have followed the work and life of Bert Hellinger (16.12.25 – 19.9.2019) you would have noticed that he titled his later family constellation workshops as ‘going with the spirit’ instead of the previous ‘movements of the soul’. What does that mean? What is the spirit and the soul he refers to? And who is going? And where to?
‘Spirit’ comes from latin: spirare which is translated as ‘to breathe’, and was first defined in the 13th century as the ‘animating or vital principle in man and animals’. Or in other words: the breath that brings dead matter to life: the breath of life. Otherwise also called ‘higher consciousness’, ‘God’, ‘Higher self’, ‘ the source’ or simply the ‘life force’.
In order to understand spirit and it’s function, we need to look at how life is created.
Ancient teachings talk about the physical, emotional and spiritual body which form sentient life. We can see and touch the physical body and are very well aware of our thoughts and emotions, but we can neither see nor touch those: thoughts and emotions are not visible, only their effects show if they are put into actions.
Is someone grieves a loss, you might see distress in the face and maybe tears, but often these feelings are not expressed in the physical body. The body doesn’t create the emotions or thoughts, they come from elsewhere to be expressed through body language. Emotions and thoughts are by nature invisible, not formed in the physical body but belong to a field of information, the morphogenetic field, as referred to by Dr. Rupert Sheldrake.
The physical body is surrounded by the emotional body, formed by emotions and thoughts. They create an energy field that some gifted people can see in form of colours: the Aura. This is also where the soul resides. On its journey, the soul collects unresolved emotions and travels with them through your many lifetimes.
When the physical body of a baby is created through cell division, the soul waits until the physical body is stable at about the third month of pregnancy when a miscarriage is less likely, to enter the womb of the mother and surround the baby. Now the new emotional body is formed. The spirit or ‘higher self’ is observing this from the vast field of spirit until the time comes to give birth to the baby. Going through the birth canal is the time when the spirit starts to surround the baby and forms the spiritual body to give the physical body the ‘breath of life’: the baby takes its very first inhale and has arrived, with all 3 vital bodies in place. If the baby is stillborn, the spirit wasn’t able to connect with the other energy fields. The spirit will from now on guide the new human being until the end arrives to dispose of the body and go back to the field of spirit, also called the World of Light. The emotions and thoughts are going back where they came from, into their field, otherwise called the Astral world, to wait for the next change to be reborn again.
When we observe in a family constellation the movement of the participants, the emotions that the representatives express in such an amazing clarity and certainty, we know they are connected with a field of information where they originate, the knowing field, and are guided from there towards a resolution for the family system. The healing takes place in finding the love that has been withheld, the unconditional, compassionate love for all, which comes from the highest vibrations, the World of Light. This is the home of the spirit. The home of your spirit, your home. Bert Hellinger knew this and therefore named his later work, the New Family Constellation: going with the spirit.
In module 4 of the family constellation ViRTUAL training we’re going through everything needed to know about the spiritual worlds and how to heal with the ultimate force, Love, to help ourselves and others and make this world a more compassionate and peaceful place.
I look forward to meeting you there and share the wisdom from my beloved teachers and from my ancestors with you.