Meeting in a virtual room from home is different in many ways.
Please obey the following rules to make it a pleasant experience for all participants:
1. Choose a quiet room with a good light source that is facing you, i.e. a window (daylight) or a desktop lamp or a selfie light (nighttime). The room shall be free of distractions and noise.
2. Abstain from smoking, drinking and eating during the workshop (only water is allowed). Moving out of sight of the camera, fetching things or yelling at the dog would disrupt the workshop.
3. Participation is not allowed when intoxicated by alcohol or drugs.
4. Place the device you’re using for Zoom on a raised platform in front of you, the camera is at the height of your hairline. Your face should cover most of the screen (think of a portrait photo for a passport)
5. Close any curtains on windows and turn off light sources behind you, make sure your face is clearly seen on the screen.
6. Have a water bottle, tissues and a large pillow or fluffy toy next to you.
7. Inappropriate or abusive behaviour or language will not be tolerated.
8. A breach of the etiquette can result in exclusion from the workshop.